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Prof. CHI Johsin

Adjunct Professor
The Graduate Institute of Museum Studies
Fu Jen Catholic University (Taipei)

Fellowship Project

Prof. Chi Johsin spent five months (December 2009 – January 2010; February – June 2010) at The Palace Museum in Beijing, China, where she conducted research on Qing court collections and its management and cataloguing. She also had the opportunity to experience the life in the Forbidden City.


Prof. Chi Johsin is currently Adjunct Professor of the Graduate Institute of Museum Studies at Fu Jen Catholic University in Taiwan. She holds M.A. and B.A. degrees in History from the National Taiwan University.

Prior to joining the academia, Prof. Chi had been the personal secretary to the famous painter Mr. Zhang Daqian and had served at the National Palace Museum in Taiwan as Chief Curator in the Department of Registration and Conservation, Department of Security, and the Department of Antiquities. Specialising in artifact collection and research, she curated numerous large-scale exhibitions at the museum and published prolifically on Chinese arts and crafts. After retiring from the museum, she joined the Chinese Culture University in Taiwan as a full-time Professor in the Department of History and concurrently served as Director of Hwa Kang Museum for one year. From 2014 to 2017, she was a Visiting Fellow at the Fine Arts Department and Art Museum at the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Recent Development and Achievement

    • On 5 November 2018, Prof. Chi was invited by the Oriental Ceramic Society in London to give a talk on “Display Archives and Treasure Boxes”, the English presentation script of which was published in Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, volume 83 in 2018 under the title “Display Archives and Treasure Boxes—A Case Study of the ‘Bamboo Strip Round Treasure Box with Scrolling Lotus’ ”. The Chinese presentation script was published in Orientations (美成在久), issue 5 in 2020.
    • In autumn 2020, Prof Chi was commissioned by Hong Kong magazine Artist to publish an article on the collections of the National Palace Museum in Taipei.
    • Prof. Chi was invited by the Association of Jade-Collectors Taiwan to attend a seminar on Jade of Ming Dynasty in mid-November, 2020 and submitted an article on jade headdress ornament of Ming dynasty. However, due to Covid-19, the seminar was postponed and the article was published in December 2020.

Selected Publication(s)

Books, book chapters and seminar publications

  • 嵇若昕(2020年12月)。〈與古為新:明代玉帽頂〉。載於張菁琪主編,《明代玉器論文集》(頁200-226)。臺北:玉翫雅集玉協會。
  • 嵇若昕(2017)。〈雍正皇帝、乾隆皇帝與日本蒔繪漆藝〉,載於任萬萍、郭福祥與韓秉臣編,《宮廷與異域:17、18世紀的中外物質文化交流》(頁33-46)。廈門:廈門大學出版社。
  • 嵇若昕(2017)。〈乾隆時期內廷的漆工藝〉,載於浙江省博物館編,《「中國漆器文化的回顧與展望」學術研討會論文集》(頁172-179)。杭州:浙江攝影出版社。
  • 嵇若昕(2015)。〈社會生活史與鑑玉:以玉駱駝與哪吒降龍珮為例〉,載於Jenny So主編,《Chinese Jades from the Cissy and Robert Tang Collection》(頁232-243)。香港:中大文物館。
  • 嵇若昕(2014)。〈清前期內廷的嘉定竹人〉,載於《竹刻國際學術研討會論文集》(頁1-21)。上海:上海書店出版社。
  • 嵇若昕(2011)。〈記一件康熙朝玻璃器的最高成就〉,載於《盛清社會與揚州研究》(頁421-438)。臺北:遠流。
  • 嵇若昕(2011)。《雙溪文物隨筆》,臺北:國立故宮博物院。
  • Chi, J. H. (2010). Uncanny Ingenuity and Celestial Feats: The Carvings of Ming and Qing Dynasties: Ivory and Rhinoceros Horn. Taipei: National Palace Museum
  • 嵇若昕(2009)。《匠心與仙工:明清雕刻展‧象牙犀角篇》。臺北:國立故宮博物院。

Journal articles

  • 嵇若昕 (2020)。〈台北故宮器物類藏品談略〉。《美術家》,7,9-16。
  • 嵇若昕 (2020)。〈檔案與文物:竹絲纏枝番蓮多寶格圓盒在清宮的陳設〉。《美成在久》,37,頁96-105。
  • Chi, J. H. (2020). Display Archives and Treasure Boxes—A Case Study of the ‘Bamboo Strip Round Treasure Box with Scrolling Lotus. Transactions of the Oriental Ceramic Society, 83.
  • 嵇若昕(2019)。〈忠勇公傅恆解救的清內廷造辦處南匠施天章〉。《故宮文物月刊》,430,頁82-93。
  • 嵇若昕(2018年8月)。〈明初滇工雕漆工藝〉。《故宮文物月刊》,425,頁96-105。
  • 嵇若昕(2018年1月)。〈清前—中期鄂地竹人中隱半山其人其藝〉。《故宮文物月刊》,418,頁71-78。
  • 嵇若昕(2017)。〈記明代初期朱檀墓中的文房用具〉。《故宮文物月刊》,416,頁 70-81。
  • 嵇若昕(2017年7月)。〈乾隆皇帝與日本蒔繪漆藝〉。《故宮文物月刊》,396,頁66-77。
  • 嵇若昕(2016年8月)。〈康雍乾三朝造辦處中的江南工匠〉。《紫禁城》,259,頁49-81。
  • 嵇若昕(2016年3月)。〈乾隆時期內廷的漆工藝〉。《故宮文物月刊》,396,頁72-83。
  • 嵇若昕(2015)。〈清中後期(1821-1911)內務府造辦處南匠及其相關問題〉。《故宮學術季刊》,32(3),頁 63-90。
  • 嵇若昕(2015年3月)。〈清盛世內廷牙匠與廣東牙雕工藝—以陳祖章和黃振效為例〉。《故宮文物月刊》,384,頁4-15。