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Dr. ZHANG Jianyu

Schools of Arts, Renmin University of China (Beijing)

Fellowship Project

Dr. Zhang Jianyu spent ten months (November 2018 to September 2019) at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston in the U.S.A, where he conducted research on Tang and pre-Tang Chinese Buddhist sculptures. He also assisted in the reinstallation of the Chinese Buddhist sculpture gallery and curating exhibition.


Dr. Zhang Jianyu is currently Professor of the Renmin University of China, Director of the Art History Study Room and Deputy Director of the Buddhist Art Research Institute at the Renmin University of China. He received his Ph.D. in art history from Tsinghua University in 2011. His research focuses on the history of Chinese art, with a focus on Buddhist art in medieval China, the Sino-foreign art exchange along the Silk Route, and Chinese traditional paintings and calligraphy. He is currently conducting research on Buddhist sculptures of the Hebei school, Buddhist narrative images, and the Lotus Sutra art from the Song Dynasty.

Recent Development and Achievement

    Dr. Zhang Jianyu plans to edit and publish an anthology of research on the Chinese art collection in the Museum of Fine Arts in Boston.

Selected Publication(s)

  • 張建宇(2015)。《枕帶林泉——蘇州園林之宅園關係研究》。西安:陝西師範大學出版總社。
  • 張建宇(2018)。《漢唐美術空間表現研究--以敦煌壁畫為中心》。北京:中國人民大學出版社。
  • 張建宇(2021)。《中國佛教美術典藏·經卷佛畫》,北京:中國大百科全書出版社。