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Ms. ZHAO Huijie

Suzhou Museum (Suzhou)

Fellowship Project

Ms. Zhao Huijie spent 6 months (January – July 2024) at The British Museum in UK, aiming to facilitate a meaningful educational experience for non-Chinese art exhibitions in the Suzhou Museum, through gaining an insight into the British Museum’s learning programme, as well as conducting a comparative study of the differences between museum education in China and the west.


Ms. Zhao Huijie graduated with a Master’s Degree from the School of Archaeology, Jilin University. Ms. Zhao is now Researcher in the Department of Public Education at the Suzhou Museum, and oversees the planning and implementation of archaeology related research workshops, public seminars and courses at the museum.

Recent Development and Achievement

    Ms. Zhao Huijie is currently developing an educational programme for an Ancient Greece Exhibition, hosted collaboratively by the Suzhou Museum and the British Museum. Participating the planning process, Ms. Zhao aspires to understand in-depth the structure and development of the educational programme of the British Museum, in order to adapt the Suzhou Museum to maximize the educational experience, as well as creating a general educational programme for the Suzhou Museum.

Selected Publication(s)

  • 《寧夏彭陽羅窪金代磚雕畫墓人骨研究》,《北方文物》,2020年02期。
  • 《博物館研學課程開發及運行模式探索——以蘇州博物館“訪鄰於越”研學之旅為例》,2019年江蘇省文博優秀論文集。
  • 《攀古奕世 潘韻流芳—蘇州博物館關於潘氏收藏展覽的精品集萃》,《藝術品》,2019年06期。
  • 《走進人猿世界的三個利基天使》,《大眾考古》,2017年04期。
  • 《寧夏海原石硯子墓地人骨研究》三作,《文博》,2018年04期 。
  • 《穿越時空的視覺盛宴-基於視覺化技術的文化遺產》,《大眾考古》,2017年01期。