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Mr. LIU Qi

Researcher / Academic Secretary
The Research and Exhibition Center of Mawangdui Han Tombs, Hunan Museum (Changsha)
Hunan Key Laboratory of Archaeometry and Conservation Science (Changsha)

Fellowship Project

Mr. LIU Qi will spend 4 months at the National Museum of Asian Art, Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C., the U.S.A. to conduct both archival research and scientific analysis on the John Hadley Cox archaeological collection, especially artifacts and specimens from the Warring States Period to the Han Dynasty. His research will employ scientific instruments such as XRF (X-ray fluorescence), SEM-EDX (scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy), and FTIR (Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy) for the analysis. Mr. Liu will also conduct comparative analyses with similar artifacts excavated from Hunan, Guangdong, and Guangxi in Southern China, as well as Thailand, aiming to explore the material and cultural exchanges along the ancient Maritime Silk Road.


Mr. LIU Qi graduated from China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), with majors in Stratigraphy and Paleontology. He currently works at The Research and Exhibition Center of Mawangdui Han Tombs, Hunan Museum, as well as the Hunan Key Laboratory of Archaeometry and Conservation Science where he serves as the Academic Secretary. His work focuses on scientific archaeological analysis and the study and curation of material culture of the Han Dynasty. His primary research interests include ancient gemstones, glass ornaments, ancient pigments and dyes, the deterioration processes and products of cultural relics, and the cultural and commercial exchanges along the Maritime Silk Road during the Han Dynasty.

Recent Development and Achievement

    In July 2021, Mr. Liu, as an Assistant Curator, participated in the exhibition of “Our Asia—Ancient Civilizations of Asia” organized by Hunan Museum. In September 2022, he was also an Assistant Curator of the “Sand and Fire—Silk Road Glass Culture Exhibition” hosted by the Changsha Museum.

    Since 2022, Mr. Liu has contributed as a member to the project funded by the Hunan Provincial Philosophy and Social Science Foundation titled “Sorting and Research on Textiles from the Mawangdui Han Tombs.” Other major projects he has participated in, which are still ongoing, include the “Archaeological Research on Han Dynasty Maritime Silk Road Sites and Related Historical Documents” funded by the National Social Science Fund, China, as well as the “Herbal Archaeological Research on the Origins of Authentic Medicinal Materials” funded by the National Key R&D Program of the Ministry of Science and Technology, China.

    Since 2023, Mr. Liu has participated in the major project “Comprehensive Collection of Chinese Silk Art” under the Zhejiang Culture Research Programme. He also contributed to several publications, namely the volume of “Comprehensive Collection of Chinese Silk Art: Volumes of Hunan Museum (Mawangdui Han Tombs)”, as well as the writing and compilation of the catalogue for “Library of Changsha Mawangdui Han Tombs” by the Yuelu Academy in Hunan.

Selected Publication(s)

  • 劉琦、彭詩琦、王帥、喻燕姣、賀鳴萱: <馬王堆一號漢墓內棺出土 “黑色菱形紋羅地信期繡” 的科技分析>,《文物天地》, 2024.4,頁47-50。
  • Li Xingping, Si Weiwei, Liu Qi, Zhou Yi, Li Qinghui. “Insight into natural ageing of historic baltic amber objects by untargeted metabolomics approach.” Journal of Cultural Heritage, 2024, pp. 67, 470-478.
  • 覃璇、鄒婧、龍天一、劉琦(通訊作者): <湖南出土漢晉時期微雕動物形珠飾造型與材質溯源初考>,《寶石和寶石學雜誌(中英文)》,2023.06,頁134-148。
  • Liu Qi, Liu Song, LÜ Liangbo, Li Xingping, Li Qinghui, Liao Chungjung. “Scientific Analysis of Ancient Amber Artifacts along the Maritime Silk Road.” Palaeoentomology, vol. 6, no. 5, 2023, pp. 451-454.
  • 劉琦、張豔華、李星枰、覃璇、李青會: <幾件湖南漢墓出土的琥珀製品研究>,《寶石和寶石學雜誌(中英文)》,2023.04,頁146-157。
  • 劉琦等: <湖南何家皂北宋墓出土紡織品附著灰藍色物質的科學分析>,《文物保護與考古科學》,2023.04,頁24-33。
  • 劉琦:<漢代玉劍璏及其仿製品在歐亞草原上的流行>,湖南博物院(編):《中國玉學玉文化學術研討會論文集》,2022年,長沙:湖南人民出版社,頁434-453。
  • Liu, Qi, et al. “Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) Characteristics of Ancient Amber Artifacts of the Han Dynasty from Hunan, China.” Palaeoentomology, vol. 5, no. 4, 2022, pp. 345-361.
  • (英)約翰·博德曼、(英)克勞迪婭·瓦格納(著),劉琦、吳佳瑋(譯):《蕞渺天工——古今微雕寶石精粹》,廣西美術出版社。 ISBN 978-7-5494-2714-7。
  • 喻燕姣(主編),劉琦(副主編),長沙博物館(編):《砂與火之歌—絲路玻璃文化》,2023年,廣西美術出版社。 ISBN 978-7-5494-2737-6。
  • 李青會、左駿、劉琦、劉松、董俊欽(著):《文化交流視野下的漢代合浦港》,2019年,廣西科學技術出版社。ISBN 978-7-5551-1126-9。
  • 葉吉旺、李青會、劉琦(著):《珠光琉影——合浦出土漢代珠飾》,2019年,廣西美術出版社。ISBN 978-7807468714。