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Ms. HUA Chunrong

Associate Curator
Department of Conservation
The Palace Museum (Beijing)

Fellowship Project

Ms. Hua will visit the Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong in Hong Kong, China for 11 months to carry out conservation work on the six-fold, twelve-panel coromandel lacquer screen at the museum. She will also explore the materials, craftsmanship, and circulation of coromandel lacquer screens, publish research reports, capture images to document the restoration process, and co-organize academic and educational events on the conservation of coromandel lacquer screens to facilitate knowledge exchange.


Ms. HUA Chunrong, a graduate of Tsinghua University’s Academy of Arts & Design, is a member of the Lacquerware Conservation Team at The Palace Museum. As the 5th generation inheritor of the Beijing Intangible Cultural Heritage Project, she has dedicated her career to lacquerware conservation. To date, Ms. Hua has completed conservation work on over 90 lacquerware relics, 55 of which were done independently. Her conservation practice encompasses developing restoration plans, dust removal and maintenance, carcass and painted layer repair, insert replacement, and scientific testing and analysis. Additionally, Ms. Hua conducts research on the production techniques of lacquered cultural relics, including lacquering, lacquer-filling, maki-e, and lacquer carving.



Recent Development and Achievement

    Ms. Hua has published 7 scholarly articles investigating topics such as lacquer-filled furniture, gold-lacquered bonsai pots, and gold-lacquered tea wares. She has also led the research project “Study on Manufacturing Techniques and Conservation-Restoration of Lacquerware in the Palace Museum Collection,” resulting in 2 additional published articles. As a project team member, Ms. Hua has contributed to research on the “Lacquering Techniques and Conservation-Restoration of the Hall of Mental Cultivation” as well as the “Study on Carved Lacquer Restoration Techniques at the Palace Museum.”

Selected Publication(s)

  • 華春榕:<清宮舊藏填漆戧金炕桌的工藝分析>, 《文物天地》2023.08, 頁88-92。
  • 華春榕、閔俊嶸、張彤:<黑漆彩繪雲龍紋瑟的工藝研究及修復> ,《樂器》2023.07,頁30-34。
  • 華春榕、張雪雁:<清宮舊藏蒔繪茶壺的工藝賞析>,《收藏與投資》2023.07,頁65-67。
  • 華春榕、展菲:<金漆長方盆玉石梅花盆景的工藝研究與修復>,《文物天地》2023.07,頁123-129。
  • 華春榕、張雪雁、段佩權:<黑漆描金山水紋琵琶的工藝研究及鑑賞》>,《樂器》2023.08, 頁26-29。