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李雨航博士為美國威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校 (University of Wisconsin-Madison) 的中國藝術史副教授,研究範疇側重於明清時期的性別與物質文化研究,如觀音信仰與觀音圖像製作者的性別問題,模仿與宗教奉獻,戲曲與中國視覺藝術等。她的首本著作《成為觀音:明清女性佛教徒的藝術奉獻》 (Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China) 最近由哥倫比亞大學出版社出版,同時她也是《表演圖像:戲曲與中國視覺藝術》(Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture)展覽的共同策展人及圖錄合編人。


    • 李雨航博士現正開展其第二本著作研究計劃,從舞臺美術的角度研究探討慈禧太后參與晚清戲曲舞臺的改革。
    • 李博士的最新著作《成為觀音:明清女性佛教徒的藝術奉獻》在2019年的亞洲年會期間被美國中國宗教研究學會 (SSRC)選為中國宗教研究領域最具有開創性的首本著作之一。


  • Li, Y. H. (2021). Burning Big Dharma Boats: Paper as Efficacious Medium. In Lin, W. C. and Cacchione, O. (Eds.). The Allure of Matter: Materiality Across Chinese Art (pp.150-179). Chicago: Center for the Art of East Asia and Smart Museum of Art.
  • Li, Y. H. (2020). Becoming Guanyin: Artistic Devotion of Buddhist Women in Late Imperial China. New York: Columbia University Press. (Podcast Interview with New Books Network | Columbia University Press Blog for 2020 Women’s History Month)
  • 李雨航(2020)。〈摹仿觀音髮簪: 明代女性往生的物質媒介〉。載於賴毓芝、高彥頤與阮圓(主編),《看見與觸碰性別:近現代中國藝術史新視野》。台北:石頭出版社,頁16-49。
  • Li, Y. H. (2018). Producing Empress Dowager Cixi as Guanyin for Missionaries’ Eyes. Orientations, 49(6), 62–73.
  • Zeitlin, J., & Li, Y. H. (Eds.). (2014). Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture. Chicago: Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago Press.
  • Li, Y. H. (2014). Representing Theatricality on Textile, in Zeitlin, J., and Li, Y. H. eds., Performing Images: Opera in Chinese Visual Culture. Chicago: Smart Museum of Art, The University of Chicago Press, 74-87.
  • Li, Y. H. (2012). Oneself as a Female Deity: Representations of Cixi Posing as Guanyin. Nannü: Men, Women, and Gender in China, 14(1), 75–118.
  • Li, Y. H. (2012). Communicating with Guanyin through Hair: Hair Embroidery in Late Imperial China. Journal of East Asian Science, Technology and Medicine, 36, 131–66.
  • Li, Y. H., & Zurndorfer, H. T. (2012). Rethinking Empress Dowager Cixi through the Production of Art. Nan Nü: Men, Women, and Gender in China, 14(1), 1-20.